Yes, Christmas is just around the corner…So Many Projects, So Little Time
So let’s get started with some hats! The hat above! Naturally when we think hats and Christmas we think Santa and voilĂ we’ve got the Santa beanie hats for children and grownups, too!
Click here to get the free pattern at Ashlee Marie
More free patterns below!
The lovely hat you see above is perfect for all ages, from newborns to adults. If you can imagine cradling your baby reindeer or see yourself as the life of your Christmas party, then this is the hat for you!
Click here to get the free pattern at Repeat Crafter Me
Another pattern below!
Here’s the well-named “Trendy Elf” pattern that will let you make a fashion statement….
Click here to get the free pattern at Cre8tioncrochet
Bonus Christmas tutorial video is below; learn how to crochet a classic Santa hat!