Add a bouquet of crocheted sunflowers to your surroundings!

Yes, you won’t want to stop with crocheting just one! These flowers are lovely and they’re perfect for all kinds of projects. You can use them as hair ornaments. Or string some together to make a garland. Or how about putting them on your sweaters and t-shirts or your handbags? Lots of possibilities.

This wonderful pattern is free, and it’s by designer Cindy Hopper of Skip to My Lou. You’ll find a written pattern that will guide you to success from start to finish.

Click here to get the free pattern at Skip to My Lou

And for even more fabulous and free patterns and photo tutorials for all kinds of crochet projects using flowers, be sure to check out some of our favorites that we’ve previously featured here at Crochet Maze!

As always, happy crocheting!

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