It’s the Stars and Stripes Forever with these wonderful cozies!

Yes, your handmade red, white and blue crochet cozies will be the hit of the party! And so fast and so easy to make, which is perfect if you’re in a pinch and you want to add that patriotic touch whether it be for your Fourth of July celebrations or any other time, you want to proudly display your passion for Old Glory and all that she stands for.

This is a fabulous pattern and it’s free! It’s the “Celebration” bottle cozy and coffee cup cozy pattern by crochet designer and author Jennifer Pionk of A Crocheted Simplicity. Visit her blog and get the complete written pattern as well as some very helpful photos that will guide you to success!

Click here to get the free pattern at A Crocheted Simplicity

And while you’re here at Crochet Maze, be sure to check out some of the other free patriotic crochet projects we’ve previously featured!

And for free patterns and tutorials for all kinds of creative DIY crochet projects, be sure to check out our other favorites right here at Crochet Maze!

As always, happy crocheting!

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